Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I be mama today =]

Today didnt go for moral class

coz not feeling well ><

some more today no lecture

just see ppl present their assignment
so boring...

so decide to rest more at home

I'm a hardworking girl :)

I study algebra and do the exercise in the afternoon

afterthat i feel hungry and ask mama cook porridge tonight

coz still slightly sick :(

but mama wanna go UCSI fetch 3rd sis & go kajang fetch youngest sis

so i be mama today

cook for tonight dinner

cooking is such a tired work

we must appreciate every meal that mama do for us

Be a GOOD girl =]


Jason x Muska said...

u sick ad still b MaMa 1 day ar..
geng Ar U..haha..
Rest More lar...
many ppl sick ar...

♥ SAYEAN ♥ said...

coz just slightly sick
still can move XD
okok,thx =]

Jennifer Mia Tang said...

better take good care of yourself loh


♥ SAYEAN ♥ said...

i will de
hehe =]
u too lo,shapo =p